This is where you enter the Needs Assessment Data for each student. METS collects the Needs Assessment by using the Student Intake and Student Summary forms. Every site should have a Needs Assessment for every student every enrollment period (Academic and Summer). Also, make sure that when appropriate, to collect any documentation that support the information on the needs assessment. For example, a signed Student Record Form, report cards, test results, etc.
There are 23 fields on the Needs Assessment Panel. All fields are all check box fields. A check means Yes there is a need. If there is no need leave the field blank.
Be sure that you have the correct school history line highlighted in the grid below.
Special Education - Students who receive Special Education services should have this field checked.
Lack of Parental Involvement – Parent(s) are not involved in student’s education by: i.e. attending school/METS Activities and/or encouraging the child in his/her educational program.
Health and/or Nutrition – student has ongoing health/dental/nutritional needs
Poor Attendance – student’s absences exceed his/her school’s policy for daily attendance or individual class attendance.
Homeless – according to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which should be applied only to in school students P3 to grade 12, (don't check this for OSY children)
(a) In general ``homeless'' or ``homeless individual or homeless person'' means
(1) an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and
(2) an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is--
(A) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill);
(B) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or
(C) a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
Mobility – Any movement across school district lines in the preceding 12 months.
ELL – student is an English language learner as determined by the school district for K-12 students. For pre-school and Out of School youth this can be determined by MEP staff.
Retention - student is repeating the same grade as last year. Students going from pre-First to First or DK to K are considered to be retained
Credit Deficient - student in grades 9-12 who is lacking the sufficient appropriate/required credits to graduate should be considered Credit Deficient. As of May 2012 these are: 4.25 credits at the end of 9th, 10.5 credits at the end of 10th, 16.75 credits at the end of 11th, 22.5 credits to graduate.
Failed State Tests - If a student has failed a state test in the previous year this should be checked.
Below modal grade - student is not age/grade appropriate for instance, (with the exception of September - December birthdays) when entering school in September
* 1st graders should be 6
* 2nd graders should be 7
* And so on.
Low Academic Grades - children who have low academic grades, ie
Education Interrupted during school year - student who in the preceding 12 months changed school buildings or missed significant amount of school time (10 days or more) during the regular school year (usually defined as September through June) due to the student's family's lifestyle.
PFS (Calculated) - PFS stands for Priority For Service and indicates that the student has met at least two conditions, one being that her/his education has been interrupted during the school year and another being any of the other fields marked with an asterisk. Those other fields are ELL, Retention, Credit Deficient, Failed State Tests, Below Modal Grade and Low Academic Grades. This is a calculated field. You can not put a check mark in the field manually. The check mark only appears when at least two conditions have been met.
Acculturation Support – The youth could benefit from teaching or coaching about the American culture and/or the community could benefit from a better understanding of the youth’s culture.
Career Education – The youth lacks knowledge of available career/vocational opportunities.
School Readiness services that assist students with skills necessary to successfully enter Kindergarten
HSE – A youth currently not enrolled in school lacking a high school diploma.
Interpretation – Student needs interpretation services in order to be able to make informed life decisions.
Life Skills – Youth lacks necessary skills to meet the challenges of daily living.
Literacy – student lacks age appropriate functional reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
Transportation – A lack of transportation is preventing the youth from addressing one or more needs.
Update Immunizations – student lacks immunizations or adequate immunization records.