This tab is to keep track of students' credit accrual.
The Course History records all the courses that students in 8th-12th grade have taken during the time they have been enrolled as Migrant Students in NYS. It is divided into 2 tabs: Course History and Cumulative Credits.
There are two grids at the bottom of the panel. The right grid is the School History grid. Select the correct School History line then click on the + (insert record) button.
The following fields are required to be accurately entered on the Course History tab:
Subject: The name of the subject area (e.g. History, English) that corresponds to the course title.
Course Name: The name of a course (e.g. Algebra, Art I, Problems in Democracy)
Course Type:An indication of the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided throughout a course. The choices are:
1. Regular: A course providing instructions (in a given subject matter area) that focuses primarily on general concepts for the appropriate grade level.
2. Honors: An advanced level course designed for students who have earned honors status according to educational requirements.
3. Pre-Advanced: A course in preparation to admission to an AP Program.
4. Advanced Placement: An advanced, college-level course designed for students who achieve specific level of academic performance. Upon successful completion of the course and a standardized Advanced Placement examination, a student may receive college credit.
5. International Baccalaureate: A program of study sponsored and designed by International Baccalaureate Organization and meets the needs of secondary students between the ages of 16 and 19 years.
6. Not applicable
7. Other
Course Section: The prescribed duration of course taken. Choose from:
1. Full Year
2. Section A - the first of two equal segments into which the course is divided
3. Section B- the second of two equal segments into which the course is divided
Term Type: The prescribed span of time that a course is provided, and in which students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or educational institution
1. Full School Year*
2. Intersession
3. Long session
4. Mini-term
5. Other
6. Quarter
7. Quinmester
8. Semester*
9. Summer Term
10. Trimester
11. Twelve months
NOTE: These options were made to accommodate course data at a national level. The options with an asterisk (*) are the most common options for students in New York State.
You will use these fields when a students that is attending 8-12th grade departs from your region. After you receive a departure for a student in those grades add all the courses that the student was taking and add the last grade you have on record as the Grade to Date for the student.
IMPORTANT for departed students: It is expected that Data Specialists enter the most recent course information that the METS have available and the fields for partial credit.
Important: As part of MSIX Data Completeness, these fields will be review for High School students that have departed as of 09/01/14.
Clock Hours: For courses that have NOT been completed (or credit granted), the number of clock hours to date that the students has completed. If possible, enter the hours completed by the student at the time of departure.
Grade to Date: For courses that have NOT been completed (or credit granted), a score indicating student performance for the grade-to-date that the student completed at the time of withdrawal.
Credits granted: The credits granted to the student for completing a given course or a section of a course (e.g. 1.0, 0.50).
Final Grade: For courses that have had credit grated, a final indicator of student performance in a class at the time of withdrawal as submitted by the instructor.
Cumulative Credits tab:
On this tab you can see a count of all credits entered on the Course History tab, divided by grade. If you want to know how many credits a student has, look at the last row and cumulative credits column. In the example below, this student has 9 credits recorded by the end of 10th grade.