ELA Resource Library

This is our ELA Resource Library. The Student Literacy Profile and Phonics Screener will help you decide which area(s) to focus on. The following links will take you to activities that will help students with the skill area identified.

Tools for Determining Area of ELA Instructional Focus

After you administer the EasyCBM assessments, complete the Student Literacy Profile.

The resources below can help you to identity an instructional plan for each student.

    Keep in mind.
  • The student's proficiency in English because it impacts his or her performance on the easyCBM.
  • Asking the teacher about the student's reading skills and reading level can help you determine the specific area of reading support that the student needs
  • The student's easyCBM test score- If the student is below the benchmark (40%), you can give a few quick tests to pinpoint a cause for his or her reading difficulties using the Phonics Screener.
    Phonics Screener
  1. Only ask the student to read the word lists. That makes it quick! Stop the test as soon as the student begins to have difficulty reading the words (mistakes and slow reading of the words).
  2. Then identify the earliest skill the student has not mastered, for example, Task 2 is before Task 3.
  3. Use the ELA resource library for access to instructional materials to address skills for the tasks identified.

Phonics Screener Document

    Check grade level "Word Reading" using the easyCBM word reading lists accessible from your easyCBM account.
  1. For help finding the easyCBM word reading lists, open the directions document.
  2. If the student struggles when reading the words at grade level, go to the High Frequency Words resources in the ELA resource library
    • If the student is learning English, start with High Frequency NOUNS.
    • Follow the instructions for teaching high-frequency words on the ELA resource library.
    If students do not meet the easyCBM Oral Reading Fluency benchmark, they need to practice reading to improve fluency.
  1. Students who are still learning skills will benefit from reading poem and stories with you. Try echo reading and repeated reading.
  2. Go to the Fluency section of the ELA resource library to locate resources and directions to practice reading.

AREA: Phonological Awareness

Phonemic Awareness Activities

These activities help students hear the individual sounds in spoken words. This supports the student’s early reading and spelling skills. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is easyCBM Phoneme Segmentation.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. A. Say and Slide Phonemes (Elkonin) - Students hear the individual sounds using pictures.
    B . Phoneme Split and Say (Elkonin) - This is similar to the "Say and Slide Phonemes" with longer words.
  2. Phoneme Closed Sort - Students hear the individual phonemes using pictures; there are pictures with 2-5 phonemes; as well as, an extension for syllables.
  3. Phoneme Go Fish - Students hear the beginning sounds using pictures.

AREA: Letter Names and Letter Sounds

Letter Name Activities

These activities help students learn letter names - upper and lower case letters. This supports the student's early reading and spelling skills. Assessments that can identify a student's need for this skill are easyCBM: Letter Names and Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 1a.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Poetry Pen - Students find upper and lower case letters in children's poetry.NOTE: You can use any reading material (not just poetry) for this activity. (e.g., the books/readers from the A-Z program)
  2. Alphabet Tiles Name Sort - Students match upper and lower case letters.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students the letters and the sounds of the letters using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player. Click on Level 1 - ABCs
    Level 1 - ABCs

Letter Sound Activities

These activities help students match letter sounds with letter names. This supports the student's early reading and spelling skills. Assessments that can identify a student's need for this skill are easyCBM: Letter Sounds and Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 1b.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Letter-Sound Bingo - Students identify individual short vowel sounds using pictures - students match the vowel sound with the letter.
  2. Letter-Sound Match - Students match sounds of letters using pictures to letters, and students write the missing letter.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students the letters and the sounds of the letters using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player. Click on Level 1 - ABCs
    Level 1 - ABCs

AREA: Consonant Patterns

Consonant Blend Activities

These activities help students learn consonant blends located at both the beginning of words (STop; GReen) and at the end of words (laMP; laST). An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 3.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Change My Word - Students make words with consonant blends and consonant digraphs at the beginning of the words.
  2. Word Spinners - Students make words with consonant blends at the end of the words.

Word Study Notebook Activity

Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

_mp _st _nt
Lamp Fist Mint
Damp First Stint
Limp Last Front

Consonant Digraph Activities

These activities help students learn consonant digraphs (sh, ch, wh, th, etc.). The 1st activity is easier than the last 2 activities. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 6.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. A Digraph A Word - Students spell words with digraphs at the beginning and end of words using pictures.
  2. Digraph Bingo! - Students match digraph sounds located at the end of words (fiSH) with letters using pictures.
  3. Word Blender- Students make words using digraphs, blends, and consonants.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students consonant digraphs using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 2: Learn to Read
      Level 2: Learn to Read
    • Then, select #4 and #6-8.
    • You can look at SKILLS column to select specific digraph

Word Study Notebook Activity

Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

_ch Ch_ _sh Sh_
Beach Cheek Fish Shirt
Each Chirp Mush Shell
Such Chess Fresh Shin

AREA: Vowel Patterns

Short Vowel Activities

These activities help students learn short vowel patterns. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 2.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Word Steps - Students blend sounds of letters to make words with short vowels.
  2. Make a Word - Students make words with short vowel patterns using pictures (any letter tiles will work).
  3. Picture the Word - Students learn word families with short vowels.
  4. Change A Word - Students learn word families with short vowels. Other vowel patterns are included in the extension activity at the end.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students short vowel patterns using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 2: Learn to Read
      Level 2: Learn to Read
    • Then, select #1 - #5.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

_at _it _ot
Hat Hit Hot
Pat Pit Pot
Cat Bit Cot

Silent-E Vowel Activities

These activities help students learn silent-e vowel patterns (first activity is easier than the second activity). An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 4.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Silent "e" Changes - Students read words with and without the silent-e pattern.
  2. Short and Long - Students identify and sort words with short and long vowels. The last page includes vowel teams (ee).

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students silent-e vowel patterns using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 2: Learn to Read
      Level 2: Learn to Read
    • Then, select #6 - #10.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

_at _ate _it _ite
Hat Late Bit Bite
Mat Mate Sit Kite
Rat Rate Lit White

R-Controlled Vowel Activities

These activities help students learn words with r-controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur). First 2 activities are easier than the 3rd activity. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 5.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Jar Sort - Students learn the differences among words with r-controlled vowels.
  2. R-Caterpillars - Students learn the differences among words with r-controlled vowels.
  3. Star Search - Students learn the differences among words with r-controlled vowels.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students r-controlled vowel patterns using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 2: Learn to Read
      Level 2: Learn to Read
    • Then, select #12 - #14.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

_ar _ir _or
Star Stir Store
Far Fir For

Vowel Team Phonics Activities

These activities help student learn various vowel patterns: Long vowel teams and vowel diphthongs (oy/oi; ou/ou; ew/oo; au/aw). First 4 activities are easier than the 5th activity. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 7.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Same but Different - Students learn various long vowel patterns (e.g., ai, ea, ay, a).
  2. Fishing for Vowel Digraphs - Students learn various long vowel patterns (vowel digraph/teams and vowel diphthongs).
  3. Spell and Sort - Students learn the differences between words with ew/oo and au/aw.
  4. Diphthong-O - Students learn the differences between words with oi/oy and ou/ow.
  5. Double Time - Students learn various long vowel spelling patterns.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. Teach students short vowel patterns using this interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 2: Learn to Read
      Level 2: Learn to Read
    • Then, select #6 - #11.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

-ai- a_e _ay
Maid Cake Day
Rain Male Lay
Laid Sane Stray

AREA: Multi-Syllable Words

Morphology Activities (Grades K-2)

These activities help students read words with prefixes, suffixes, and base words. It helps students read multi-syllable words and supports vocabulary development. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 8.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Prefix and Suffix Flip Book - Students make various words with prefixes, suffixes, and base words.
  2. Break Apart - Students break apart words with prefixes and suffixes.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

Prefixes Suffixes Both
Unpack Packed Unpacked
Reread Reads Rereads

Morphology Activities (Grades 2 – High School)

These activities help students read words with prefixes, suffixes, and bases. It helps students read multi-syllable words and supports vocabulary development. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 8.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Meaningful Affixes - Students identify the meaning of words with prefixes and suffixes.
  2. Getting to the Root of It - Students generate words with common roots (e.g., script, rupt).

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

Prefixes Suffixes Both
Misplace Effortless Redirection
Reread Doubtful Replacement

Syllable Activities (Grades K – 2)

These activities help students read words with more than one syllable. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 9a, b, c.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Picture it in Syllables - Students make words with 2 syllables using pictures.
  2. Syllable Closed Sort - Students divide words into syllables.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

2-syllable words 3-syllable words 4-syllable words
Pencil Telephone Alligator
Window Tomorrow Watermelon

Syllable Activities (Grades 2 – High School)

These activities help students read words with 2, 3, and 4 syllables. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is Quick Phonics Screener: TASK 9a, b, c.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Syllable Score - Students segment syllables in words.
  2. Syllable Swap - Students identify syllables in words and make words with common syllable patterns.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

2-syllable words 3-syllable words 4-syllable words
Cor-ner Bi-cy-cle Har-mon-i-ca
Tab-let For-tu-nate Ad-min-is-ter

AREA: High Frequency Words

High Frequency Word Activities

These activities support the student’s early reading and spelling skills. An assessment that can identify a student’s need for this skill is easyCBM Word Reading Fluency.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Word Crazy - Select pages or words to print from list of high-frequency words found.

SUGGESTION: Select 10 words (3 known words, 4 words still learning, and 3 unknown words). Write words on index cards to include on a word ring or in an envelope/plastic baggie. Student writes his/her own sentence on the back of the card. Student highlights or circles the word within the sentence. Have student hear the word, say the word, read the word, write the word, and practice the word in sentences.


***For students learning English, begin with high frequency NOUNS and use pictures or objects to teach the nouns: www.mrsperkins.com/files/flash_nouns.pdf

Word Searches: Student can locate these high frequency words while reading any text (A-Z readers, poetry). Read the passage first, and then return to search for high frequency words in context. The student will learn how these words are used in context.

Word Study Notebook: Include new words in a personal word study notebook. The student can add words to the notebook as he/she encounters the words during reading. (See example.)

Green One Family
Blue Two Girl
Black Three Mother

AREA: Fluency

Fluency Activities

These activities support students' oral reading fluency. An assessment that can identify a student's need for this skill is easyCBM: Passage Reading Fluency.

Echo Reading - ANY text can be used for Echo Reading.

  1. During Echo Reading: The teacher reads aloud a line of text. The student reads the same line. The teacher and student takes turns reading and rereading the same lines. When the student reads more fluently, student reads aloud on his/her own. After echo reading, student practices - see repeated reading.
  2. After Echo Reading have student practice with Repeated Reading.

Repeated Reading: ANY text can be used for Repeated Reading.

  1. During repeated reading, a student reads a passage aloud at least three times. Teacher selects a passage of about 50 to 200 words in length. (PASSAGE: not too easy and not too hard!) If the student misreads a word or hesitates for longer than 3 seconds, the teacher reads the word aloud, and the student repeats the word. If the student requests help with a word, the teacher reads the word aloud. The student rereads the passage until he or she achieves a satisfactory fluency level (REMINDER: no more than 3-4 times).

Children's Poetry - For all students, visit the poetry foundation website to access free children's poetry. Poems are perfect for repeated reading.

The following activities are from the Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org

  1. Fluent Reflections - This tool helps students self-evaluate their reading fluency.

The following activity is used on-line at www.starfall.com

  1. For students in grades K-2, visit this website to locate reading materials for practice and use the interactive tool. You will need to enable adobe flash player.
    • Click on Level 3 or 4.
      Level 4 - I'm Reading
    • Then, select from poetry, folk tales, etc. Students can practice reading or click to hear the passage read.